
The gears_urlpatterns() work great in development, but you don’t want to build files during the request cycle in production. Instead, the files should be built once and served as static files by your web server. The collectassets command lets you do that.

Collecting assets

The collectassets command is a Django management command that is invoked using the script:

python collectassets

This command collects all public assets, processes them, and saves them to the directory specified by the GEARS_ROOT setting.

In addition to processing the assets, Gears adds a .manifest.json file to the directory root. An example manifest file looks like:

  "files": {
    "css/styles.css": "css/style.588bb73e7fff720ac360b924fd9b33ddd2fa71c7.css",
    "js/script.js": "js/script.d78f84d27230e157031fc8ed26d1099f44d878dd.js"

This file is a map between asset names and processed files. When an asset is included using a {% gears %} tag in production, instead of producing a url to the development view, it produces a url to the asset as specified in the manifest file.

Defining public assets

When collectassets is run, Gears will only process assets that are public. Gears considers any asset public that matches the GEARS_PUBLIC_ASSETS setting.

For instance, you may have a script.js file that includes many dependencies. After processing script.js, there is no need to Gears to additionally process the individual dependencies and collect them as separate files into GEARS_ROOT. This is an optimization that results in faster build times.

The default rules for collecting public assets:

  • include all files that either aren’t css or javascript or aren’t set to compile to css or javascript (less, style, coffee, etc.)
  • include css/style.css
  • include js/script.js

If you namespace your assets, or use a different naming convention, you’ll want to specify your own public asset patterns. For instance, if you want to process all files mapping to site.css or site.js, you could do:

    lambda path: not any(path.endswith(ext) for ext in ('.css', '.js')),

Serving files with your web server

By default, Django Gears collects assets into the STATIC_ROOT directory. If your web server is configured to serve static files already, no additional configuration is needed. If you haven’t configured this, you can follow Django’s advice on deploying static files or use a wsgi app like dj‑static.

If you specify a custom directory in GEARS_ROOT, you’ll need to update your server accordingly.