Asset finders

Django Gears searches for assets to build in the defined assets directories. By default, this includes:

  • all assets directories in your installed applications
  • all assets directories listed in the GEARS_DIRS setting

We’ll cover how both of these work below.

Application finder

Consider a directory structure like the following, where myapp1 and myapp1 are installed applications:



Next, consider that script.js has the following directives:

 *= require test
 *= require app

When script.js is processed it will include test.js from myapp2 and app.js from myapp1.

How does this happen?

Directives, as written, are always relative to the asset file. The idea of relative isn’t solely based on the filesystem, though. In the above example, both myapp1/assets and myapp2/assets are on the search paths. This means when test.js isn’t found in the current directory, the directive processor continues on through the rest of the directories on the search path. Here, it is found in myapp2.

Note, Gears will use the first asset it finds that matches the given path. Therefore, if you have multiple assets whose name and location is the same, Gears won’t distinguish between them. The easiest way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to place assets in custom named directories within the assets folder.

File System Finder

In addition to the application finder, Django Gears will look for static files in specified directories in the filesystem. These directories are controlled through the GEARS_DIRS setting.

For example, you may add an assets directory in your project root:

import os
SITE_ROOT = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, "assets"),

By default, the file system finder has precedence over the application finders.

Configuring finders

If you want to configure or add custom finders of your own, see the docs on the GEARS_FINDERS setting.